Chris Tossy
Chris's main influences are performers of a later style rather than purist, consisting of Ray Charles, Jerry Lee-Lewis and Little Richard, but also being inspired by modern day players such as Vince Weber and Katie Webster.
He is also an accomplished Hammond organ player of which Bruce Katz (of Ronnie-Earl fame) has been a major inspiration to Chris into playing the legendary B3.
With a quite contemporary style of harmonica playing added to his list of musical talents, Dino seals his performance with a sweet soulful voice that seems to complement his act with great feel and dynamics.
Bottega Prosecco Bar, M/S Cinderella
10 mars
Rosena Elissa is a professional pianist, singer and actress with over 20 years of experience in classical, pop and jazz music. After graduating the National Music School and National Academy of Theater and Film Arts in Sofia, Bulgaria, she has been performing both as a solo artist and bands’ lead singer in different countries, such as Spain, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway.
Torget, M/S Viking Glory
10 mars
Åsa Mauno
Experience Åsa onstage, where Music meets Energy and Positivity.
Åsa is a talented young singer, guitarist, and songwriter on a mission to fill the world with joy through her music,
with a captivating voice, infectious energy, and a positive attitude that shines through every performance.
Drawing inspiration from the likes of Billie Eilish, Taylor Swift,Amy Winehouse and Ed Sheeran,
Åsas musical style blends elements of folk, pop, and rock, creating a sound that is uniquely her own.
Horn Blower Pub, M/S Cinderella
10 mars
De Sotos
Bra kombination av karisma, talang och erfarenhet. Får vi presentera, DeSotos!
Vista Room, M/S Viking Glory
10 mars
Tobias Granbacka
Tobias är en fantastisk musiker och underhållare som kompat artister som Tommy Nilsson, Andreas Weise, Charlotte Perrelli m.fl. Han har också spelat förband till gruppen Toto. Förutom att spela själv så jobbar Tobias även som låtskrivare för andra artister.
Torget, M/S Viking Glory
10 mars
Johnny Sörman
Dalmasen som med sin fantastiska sångröst och otroliga scennärvaro inte lämnar någon oberörd.
Med sina rötter i Rock och Country så färgas en kväll med Johnny av många gamla och nyare godingar. Väl mött!
Pub, M/S Gabriella
10 mars
Matz Bladhs
Med drygt 40 år i bagaget kan man lita på att Matz Bladhs uppfyller minsta önskan hos den publik som älskar klassisk dansbandsmusik. Bandet har över 800 000 sålda album och ett stabilt grepp om danspubliken i Sverige och Norge.
Club Mar, M/S Gabriella
10 mars
Looking Back Band
står sällan still
och låtarna känner man givetvis till,
bjud upp någon trevlig mitt i publiken
garanterat du blir inte besviken,
nostalgi drag och hålligång
gitarr blåsare och känslig sång,
När Looking Back spelar står ingen still
och alla undrar hur fan det går till.
Vista Room, M/S Viking Glory
10 mars
Peter Bulmon
Peters internationella karriär som pianist startade redan 1996 och hans repertoar omfattar mer än 800 låtar på 14 olika språk. Peter har stor scennärvaro och passion för underhållning.
Public Areas, M/S Gabriella
10 mars
Chris Tossy
Chris's main influences are performers of a later style rather than purist, consisting of Ray Charles, Jerry Lee-Lewis and Little Richard, but also being inspired by modern day players such as Vince Weber and Katie Webster.
He is also an accomplished Hammond organ player of which Bruce Katz (of Ronnie-Earl fame) has been a major inspiration to Chris into playing the legendary B3.
With a quite contemporary style of harmonica playing added to his list of musical talents, Dino seals his performance with a sweet soulful voice that seems to complement his act with great feel and dynamics.